Jovanotti new video Oh, Vita!

Jovanotti Oh, Vita!

Oh, Vita! the new video by Jovanotti, Lorenzo Cherubini, shows beautiful places near the Porta Cavalleggeri area where he grew up.

Want to see the wonderful places surrounding the Papa Rex restaurant? Just sit and watch the touching and exciting video of Jovanotti, Lorenzo Cherubini, Oh, Vita!

Jovanotti – Oh Vita!

Although it is known that it comes from Emilia Romagna, Lorenzo grew up in Rome, near the Vatican area and in San Piatro, where he lived for up to 20 years.

Each photo of his new video shows his intimate connection with these places, where he certainly left a piece of his heart.

His new song is an entire autobiography composed of small pictures of his past life. A love song to that places.

Thanks for your art Lorenzo!

Papa Rex – Traditional Restaurant in Rome since 1991 – Saint Peter – Vatican area